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Hickory Farms 2006 Annual Meeting Minutes

Date October 23, 2006

Location: Green Acres Community Center

Meeting called to order at 8:05 pm.

10 proxies gathered

23 homeowners present

33 total residents accounted for (17% of total)

Dante Gilmer (acting HF Board President) introduced the Board

Minutes of 2005 Meeting were approved

Mitrano legal case was discussed. HFCA is working to recoup past dues and

legal fees for the delinquent account.

George Mason Expansion - Area homeowner associations have formed a working

group to respond to issues with the planned expansion of the George Mason

Campus. The board is looking into regular representation at these meetings.

An update on grounds was provided and included discussion on a recent cleanup

of the common area, encroachment of brush into open areas and a patch needed

for the path on lower common area.

Playground in common area - Several residents volunteered to look into

preparing a proposal for installation of playground area(s) on the common

grounds. Swing set, basketball hoop, etc. were discussed as possibilities.

ACC provided a report - Many applications were approved over the past year.

There were no recent issues.

New Business

Concem was raised about enforcement of covenants for parking of boats, trailers,

motor homes, etc. in front of homeowner’s property. The board will review how

to best enforce this covenant.

A resident recommended that the board consider hiring a management company

to provide a limited level of administrative support for the board. Management

companies offer varying levels of support such as financial record keeping, dues

collection and ACC functions. The board emphasized that current administrative

burden is not so great that a management company is needed.

9. A member recommend increasing the annual dues by $10. The motion was voted

down by a show of hands.

10. The following people volunteered for the 2007 Board:

Ellie Codding

John Kitzmiller

Rich Dudley

Dave Dempster

The following residents volunteered to handle the Welcome Wagon:

Claire Coleman

Nancy Bentley

Meeting Adjoumed at 10:00 pm.